Friday, May 14, 2010

Bubblewrap octopus

Taken from Mister Maker

You will need:
A coloured paper plate
Some PVA glue
A glue stick
A black pen
A paintbrush
Red paint
Some sticky tape

Draw two circles - you could draw around the sticky tape to make it easier to get a circle shape. These will be the octopus's eyes so you now need to add two dots with the black pen. Take the yellow paper and draw some circles for the octopus's spots. Now cut these circles out but be careful as scissors are sharp.

Take the coloured paper plate and stick your eyes and spots to it. Using the black pen draw a little mouth for the octopus.

You now need to make a painty mixture to paint on the bubble wrap. Take the red paint and PVA glue, using half and half. Now mix them together. Paint the mixture over the bubbly side of the bubble wrap and leave it to dry.

Now cut eight wiggly sausage shapes out of the bubble wrap. Be careful as scissors are sharp. Attach the wiggly saussage shapes to the back of the plate with some sticky tape making, sure the bubble wrap is bubbly side down. Stick the octopus to a piece of coloured card. You can also make an elephant picture too.

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